Northern Brazil

Pacaraima to Manaus (See Map)

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Boa Vista to Manaus    
Jeremy’s tires were on their last legs. He had a blow-out and had to resort to using our emergency ‘slick’ tire.
We met a Brazilian guy who had been cycling around South America for the last 2 years. He uses crates strapped onto his home made rear rack to carry his luggage. It just shows that you don’t really need fancy gear.
This guy travels with him. His home is the upper crate.
We had been told we would not be allowed to cycle the 125km through this indigenous reservation. However when we turned up there was no vehicle available to transport us through so we were allowed to set off with the understanding that we would be picked up later. Fortunately for us the ride never materialised and we cycled the full distance.
Inside the Reservation there was unspoiled rainforest to either side of the road. The trees were alive with parrots, toucans and monkeys. We felt very privileged to be there. We also saw some of the Waimiri Atroari themselves in very traditional looking costume. Photography is forbidden within the Reservation but the view from Jeremy’s handlebars looked something like this.
Crossing the Equator. It is amazing how much of our journey and how much of South America is in the Northern Hemisphere.
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